Thursday, February 18, 2016

Angler Exploit Kit to TeslaCrypt

There's an excellent write up by Brad Duncan in the Internet Storm Center's Handler Diaries on analyzing a compromise that used the Angler Exploit Kit to deliver TeslaCrypt.

From the article:

On Wednesday 2016-02-17 at approximately 18:14 UTC, I got a full chain of events.

The chain started with a compromised website that generated an admedia gate.

The gate led to Angler EK.

Finally, Angler EK delivered TeslaCrypt, and we saw some callback traffic from the malware.

· - - admedia gate
· - - Angler EK
· - - TeslaCrypt callback traffic

 Full write up is here.

Some of the obfuscation may seem daunting, but there's a wealth of information on techniques to deobfuscate Javascript and other code. A lot of that information is in the Handlers Diaries itself. Here's some other write ups from the ISC:

And from other sites:

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